(Montessori Curriculum)

Montessori is a revolutionary method of observing and supporting the natural development of children. Montessori educational practice helps children develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and time-management skills, care of the environment and each  other,  and  prepares  them  to  contribute  to  society  and  to

become fulfilled persons. The basis of Montessori practice in the classroom is mixed age group (3 - 6 ages in one class), individual choice of research and work, and uninterrupted concentration. Group lessons are seldom found in a Montessori classroom, but learning abounds, and because it is enjoyed, children remember what they learn. As you read through these pages you will discover the unique practices that make Montessori the fastest growing and most successful method of education today.

The Montessori Method of education, developed byMaria Montessori, is a child-centred educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. Montessori's method has been used for over 100 years in many parts of the world.

We currently offer 3 levels in our Early Years education. 

•    Pink Level (2 ½ Year olds to 4 Year olds)

•    Blue Level (4 Year olds to 5 Year olds)

•    Blue Level (5 Year olds to 6 Year olds)

The Montessori education prepares learners for onward education into either the Kenyan National Curriculum and the British Curriculum at Grade 1 or Year 1.

The class has a dedicated teacher and teaching assistant. Classes are well equipped with all the necessary equipment and resources. The furniture is custom made and are child sized, services and facilities are all made with the child in mind.

Class sizes are an average of 25 learners.

Montessori learning focuses on a model where children learn concepts from working with materials rather than by direct instructions. It focuses on development of children based on their characteristics, tendencies, talents and abilities.

We offer learning activities geared towards developing a well-rounded child, and promoting healthy development, physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, morally and spiritually. This is in line with the schools goal to making our students world class citizens.

Each child is closely monitored and communication is done with the parents/guardians on a daily basis through the school diary system.

The school also gives a termly progress report and has various consultation meetings between parents and teachers.

The Viraj International Academy, Montessori Early years section has the following learning areas:

•    Practical Life

•    Sensorial,

•    Language,

•    Mathematics

•    Culture (using different termly themes)

•    Creative development 

•    Physical Development

We also have specialist teaching mostly based as a one-on-one with individual learners which includes handwriting, reading and library. 

Viraj International Academy continues to enhance its services and offers a number of co-curricular activities, which include;

•    Ballet, 

•    Swimming, 

•    Taekwondo, 

•    Modern dance and Music 

The list however continues to grow as we introduce more facilities and services to our children. In addition, the school regularly takes children on field trips, hosts sporting events, swimming events and children’s presentations.

At the end of the academic year, the learners in the Green class graduate to their choice of primary/junior school level in the Kenyan National Curriculum or the British National Curriculum.